Shedding Score Guidelines
read morebreeding values for a suite of Australian Sheep Breeding Value (ASBV) traits. In the report, your flock breeding values are compared ... a genetic benchmark which is directly comparable to MERINOSELECT ASBVs. Three selection indexes are also reported (MP, DP and FP)
read moreMERINOSELECT is Australia’s genetic evaluation system for Merino producers
read morecalculation of Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) or Flock Breeding Values (FBVs). ASBVs and FBVs are calculated from raw data collected ... using protocols developed by Nemesis (CSIRO). The calculation of ASBVs and FBVs may also incorporate genomic or DNA information from
read moreSheep Genetics evaluations are updated and improved each year which ensures breeders have access to the best tools to improve genetic gain
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