2023 Regional forums

2023 Regional Forums

2023 Regional Forums

When and where

  • 11th May - Ballarat VIC
  • 18th May - Cowra NSW
  • 25th May - Adelaide SA
  • 1st June - Launceston TAS
  • 25th July - To be advised WA

Cost and registration

The cost of regional forums is $22 per person which covers the day's activities along with morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. 

2023 Agenda

Sheep Genetics Regional Forums 2023

Boost your Business

This interactive collaborative circle will see peers working together to solve your questions related to ram breeding businesses.

Morning tea

Sheep Genetics Update

Hear the latest and greatest developments of Sheep Genetics and projects including genomics, methane and resource flocks.

Upcoming Analysis Enhancements

Hear the who, what, where, when and why of the 2023 Analysis Enhancements for Sheep Genetics, including parameter updates, and introduction of the new Merino indexes.


Upcoming Analysis Enhancements

Following on with Analysis Enhancements with the Terminals Lambing Ease Updates.

Submission Portal Success

Interactive session outlining the use of the new Submission Portal and how to optimise your recording program.

Afternoon Tea

The Round Up

Wrapping up the forum with an interactive question time. Have your questions answered and spend time doing a deep dive into you data with Sheep Genetics staff.

End of the Day



Each year, Sheep Genetics run a series of regional workshops across Australia so breeders can:

  • keep updated on enhancements to the analysis
  • learn how to get the most out of their breeding program
  • speak directly to Sheep Genetics staff.

The workshops are not specifically LAMBPLAN or MERINOSELECT workshops but aimed at a mixed audience, of all breeds, and for both long term and new clients.

Sessions covered generally include:

  • principles of genetic selection
  • the evolving world of genetics
  • arming your genetics toolkit
  • developing an action plan.

These workshops are paced so that new Sheep Genetics members are not left behind, whilst also providing new information and techniques for existing clients.